
Monday, February 4, 2013


I feel like such a failure when it comes to the group, and I have to apologize because I suddenly decided to run away to help a good friend of mine, Zroxxus, get his apartment together. I'm sure some of you remember him from prancing around the hangout in Lolita dresses with us. BROLITAAA. <3

I also needed to get away from the madness that is my life, because I have a lot of crap going on that I don't really want to publicly discuss; it's not that bad so no needless worries... but it does cause me to disappear sometimes. I've also been ill, so despite having my computer here with me, I've been sleeping quite a bit.


Please feel free to hang out in the HANGOUT (lolwordplay) whenever you guys want to! The more we get together, the happier we'll be!!

Speaking of getting together, Saka and I will be opening our store soon! In order to celebrate, we're going to be having a sleep over party on the 9th starting at about 11AM SLT/2pm EST (We like to sleep late)!

Yes, the first SL Lolita gathering will be an awesome sleep over party (Meaning we're going to have our lights all set to night and be partying in Pajamas!) Why Pajamas, you say? Because why not! Let's get comfortable and get to know each other! :DD

At the sleep over we're going to have pillow fights, stories by the fire, camping bags and tents for people to sleep in. Come in your favorite nightie or pajamas! Lolita attire is NOT required, considering it would be a little stifling to sleep in all those layers.

Those who do end up putting together a pretty amazing looking lolita ensemble will be rewarded though, as we're going to have a best looking Lolita Nightgown contest! In order to enter the contest you need to NC a picture of your avatar to Chobii to be reviewed with Saka. Winner will be announced on the 10th.

We have exciting things to reveal at the party, so make sure to pop in at some point that day and hang out a little bit to get our awesome NC about the updates coming for the group.

I'll give you a few hints- they're cute, wearable, and can help shape any Lolita into a proper Lolita with the right adjustments~ They will also help bring the community together, if you choose to stay... ;D

We hope to see you then!



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