we all know how much of a meanie I am when it comes to the 'rules'
Lolitas 'should' follow when dressing in the fashion, and how much I
hate when people decide just because they think it's cute, they can
slut it up and call it the same because it looks similar.
reasons were why I initially frowned upon the entire genre event.
Sneaker heels? Really? How is that Lolita? Well I was later told by
someone else that it was supposed to be a mix of cotton candy and
Lolita, so basically any pastel item was being accepted.
of course, popped in to grab Violent Seduction's dress and bounced,
thinking NOTHING of the rest of the event. Then Psyche IM'd into my
life and showed me a few of the outfits she'd thrown together from
the fair. They were good. I was surprised. They also fit the rules
near perfectly.
I went back and gave it another shot, a few of the girls from the
group and I got a couple of the dresses and market place/in world
shopped for ways to create our own looks from the outfits in the
Genre fair runs from the 15th of the month until the 12th
of the following month, and takes up a different genre of style each
month. Meaning, after the 12th these dresses will be
returning to their parent stores for whatever price their creators
want to sell them for. The price limit for the fair is 100L so for
right now you can get the base dresses from all of these looks for