
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Summer Swimwear!!

One of the times I was hanging out on my friend Lele's beach, I got to thinking about lolita swimwear...

Did lolitas go out in bloomers and petticoats to splash around in the big ol' blue? I'd never seen any lolita swimwear before... was it a swimwear-less fashion?

Well, Pepper from Violent Seduction, who is an adoorable irl lolita, linked me to some cute lolita swimsuits on a blog she'd once seen.

It got me to thinking of the different things I've seen in the stores that carry cute and lolita like clothes that I go to. None of the extremely dedicated stores house swimsuits, but those do... and surprisingly some of them looked pretty similar to what Pepper had shown me.

A few of the girls and myself got together and popped on some swimsuits. With summer ending and fall coming in, we'll spend a whole lot of time bundled up, so I wanted to show off some cute and still... slightly... modest (For some of them x3!) looks that we'd come across!

It seems a whole bunch of places offer swimsuits that aren't your typical run of the mud string bikini~ Ambrosia has some amazingly cute strapless swimsuits with flowers and a skirt. Lo*Momo has a cute and frilly two piece on its second floor (It's on saaalee!) HalHina is offering some swim suits with skirts. Katat0nik has adorable sailor swimsuits with a higher waist and a lower chest that help to keep your modesty. (Also a super cute umbrellaa!) G Field has a mesh two-piece with a frilled skirt that comes in both rigged mesh and unrigged, so it can be made to fit any shape. (Even fur mesh shapes!)

My friend whose sim I was on when I thought about all of this, offers super adorable one pieces! One is in with one of her dresses, so it comes with a full on skirt for when you're not in the water! She also has some really cute frilled swimsuits in her beach shop which is what I was trying on. I'm most excited about her flip flops though, because they're the cutest flip flops I've seen so far in SL.

Summer is ending, and so is our ability to frolic around in swimsuits and be free and adorable at the same time! Elize hosted a beach party for us last week that turned out really well and was so much fun she asked to host another meet the following Saturday (Which was yesterday~) I'll have pictures of those up in the next few days~

While all hope seems lost, it is not! There is still a summer event that I know of that is going to be super fun! Saucey Sinister (The Lele I mention from time to time) is hosting a Summer Do-Over event, for those of us who just don't want to say goodbye yet! She's listed on HuntSL, and information about the event can be obtained through either she or I in world. Her blog will also keep you updated, so visit DoLlYpOp!! (Merchants are welcome, so if you wanna come sell some cutie swimsuits that I haven't shown yet, contact Lele for some information!)

This shoot was a lot of fun, and I really enjoy the swimsuits shown off. I hope you all liked them as well~ As always, thank you to our lovely models and to see more from them visit their blogs!


Want to know who is wearing what? Want to join our shoots? Ask Chobii! I have some special fun planned as far as pictures go, but but for now, the next shoot is scheduled to be a store review for Violent Seduction.

Have a Violent Seduction look you wanna show off with us, so others can see the amazing work that can be done with Pepper's dresses? IM Chobii for details. <33!


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